Penasaran sama judul lagu di iklan es krim Cornetto Black & White harga 5000 terbaru?

Judul lagunya adalah She Moves in Her Own Way, sedangkan grup band yang menyanyikannya adalah The Kooks.
Untuk lirik, sebagai berikut:
So at my show on Monday
I was told that someday
You'd be on your way to better things
It's not about your make-up
Or how you try to shape up
To these tiresome paper dreams
Paper dreams honey
So now you pour your heart out
You're telling me you're far out
You're all about to lie down for your cause
But you don't pull my strings
'Cause I'm a better man
Moving on to better things
But uh oh, I love her because
She moves in her own way
But uh oh, she came to my show
Just to hear about my day
And at the show on Tuesday
She was in her mindset
Tempered firs and spangled boots
Looks are deceiving
Making me believe it
And these tiresome paper dreams
Paper dreams honey, yeah
So won't you go far
Tell me you're a keeper
You're all about to lie down for your cause
But you don't pull my strings because
'Cause I'm a better man
Moving on to better things
But uh oh, I love her because
She moves in her own way
But uh oh, she came to my show
Just to hear about my day
Yes our wish's that we never made it
Through all the summers
We kept them up instead of
Kicking us back down to the suburbs
Yes our wish's that we never made it
Through all the summers
We kept them up instead of
Kicking us back down to the suburbs
But uh oh, I love her because
She moves in her own way
But uh oh, she came to my show
Just to hear about my day
But uh oh, I love her because
She moves in her own way
But uh oh, she came to my show
Just to hear about my day

Judul lagunya adalah She Moves in Her Own Way, sedangkan grup band yang menyanyikannya adalah The Kooks.
Untuk lirik, sebagai berikut:
So at my show on Monday
I was told that someday
You'd be on your way to better things
It's not about your make-up
Or how you try to shape up
To these tiresome paper dreams
Paper dreams honey
So now you pour your heart out
You're telling me you're far out
You're all about to lie down for your cause
But you don't pull my strings
'Cause I'm a better man
Moving on to better things
But uh oh, I love her because
She moves in her own way
But uh oh, she came to my show
Just to hear about my day
And at the show on Tuesday
She was in her mindset
Tempered firs and spangled boots
Looks are deceiving
Making me believe it
And these tiresome paper dreams
Paper dreams honey, yeah
So won't you go far
Tell me you're a keeper
You're all about to lie down for your cause
But you don't pull my strings because
'Cause I'm a better man
Moving on to better things
But uh oh, I love her because
She moves in her own way
But uh oh, she came to my show
Just to hear about my day
Yes our wish's that we never made it
Through all the summers
We kept them up instead of
Kicking us back down to the suburbs
Yes our wish's that we never made it
Through all the summers
We kept them up instead of
Kicking us back down to the suburbs
But uh oh, I love her because
She moves in her own way
But uh oh, she came to my show
Just to hear about my day
But uh oh, I love her because
She moves in her own way
But uh oh, she came to my show
Just to hear about my day
Disclaimer: Situs memberikan informasi mengenai nama bintang/model dan lagu pada suatu iklan di Indonesia. Tidak berafiliasi dengan produk-produk yang disebutkan pada setiap postingan. Jika ada Komplain atau Penghapusan tentang Isi konten, silakan kontak mimin... baca selengkapnya.
BalasHapusTerimakasih udh ngasih info. Ini Lagu sempet hits di era 2000-an awal. Love it!
BalasHapusMin tolong buatin blog nama pemain iklan cornetto yg ini yg black & white pls
BalasHapusArtikel blog maksudnya? Awal tau iklan ini saya juga cari-cari nama pemerannya, namun sampai saat ini belum ketemu juga. Nanti kalau saya tau bakalan saya publish :)
HapusBang udah tau nama cewe nya belum?pengen follow ignya nih
HapusBelum bang. Kalau ketemu bakal saya posting
HapusGua nyari lagi ini udah lama😂 akhirnya ketemu😆 makasih min😆
BalasHapusKembali kasih :)
HapusNama cewek nya siapa yaa ?
BalasHapusBang udah ketemu blok biodata cewek nya
BalasHapusbelum bang
HapusMinta tolong dong judul lagu sountrack iklan gillette terbaru yg laki2 gendong bayi
BalasHapusSepertinya lagunya memang khusus buat iklan tersebut, jadi mau cari sesuai lyric nya pun ndak akan ketemu, contoh: kayak iklan NU Green Tea #BuatKamu yang backsongnya memang khusus untuk iklan tersebut