Ini lho judul lagu yang jadi backsong di iklan hp Oppo Reno: dimana si cewek yang jadi bintang model ini kayak senang banget buat lari ngejar burung kecil berwarna biru, hingga sampai ia ngelihat paus.
Sapa tau mau tau:
- Nama Cewek Iklan HP Oppo Reno
Judul lagunya adalah Daydream By Design, dan nama penyanyinya adalah Gaby Moreno.
Bursting up above
A silouhette, a dove
All the beauty rising
Hiding any traces of the burden
We left behind
Living in a daydream by design
Ashes in the ground
Daisies grow around
Other things will fall back
Half a block from where your dreams were bound
Just turn around
Living in a daydream by design
Changing like the seasons and the fashions
Fragile hearts of porcelain
All the vintage photographs and captions
Scrawled across the sun
A covenant of one
Open up our eyes
The future´s in disguise
In the hobo jungle
Roaming like two moons up in the sky
We're gettin' by just fine
Living in a daydream by design
Changing like the seasons and the fashions
Fragile hearts of porcelain
All the vintage photographs and captions
Scrawled across the sun
A covenant of one
Open up our eyes
The future´s in disguise
In the hobo jungle
Roaming like two moons up in the sky
We're gettin' by just fine
Living in a daydream by design
Living in a daydream by design
Sapa tau mau tau:
- Nama Cewek Iklan HP Oppo Reno
Judul lagunya adalah Daydream By Design, dan nama penyanyinya adalah Gaby Moreno.

Bursting up above
A silouhette, a dove
All the beauty rising
Hiding any traces of the burden
We left behind
Living in a daydream by design
Ashes in the ground
Daisies grow around
Other things will fall back
Half a block from where your dreams were bound
Just turn around
Living in a daydream by design
Changing like the seasons and the fashions
Fragile hearts of porcelain
All the vintage photographs and captions
Scrawled across the sun
A covenant of one
Open up our eyes
The future´s in disguise
In the hobo jungle
Roaming like two moons up in the sky
We're gettin' by just fine
Living in a daydream by design
Changing like the seasons and the fashions
Fragile hearts of porcelain
All the vintage photographs and captions
Scrawled across the sun
A covenant of one
Open up our eyes
The future´s in disguise
In the hobo jungle
Roaming like two moons up in the sky
We're gettin' by just fine
Living in a daydream by design
Living in a daydream by design
Disclaimer: Situs memberikan informasi mengenai nama bintang/model dan lagu pada suatu iklan di Indonesia. Tidak berafiliasi dengan produk-produk yang disebutkan pada setiap postingan. Jika ada Komplain atau Penghapusan tentang Isi konten, silakan kontak mimin... baca selengkapnya.
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